13" Goebel mark bisque shoulder head child, impressed "521", inset glass eyes, open mouth, new mohair wig, kid body with rivet joints at hips and knees, replaced new forearms.

   $ 103.50
32 14" Belton, bisque socket head with French type face, pale bisque, late 19th c. fine quality, small chip neck socket, few wig pulls, impressed "6", pierced applied ears, original mohair wig, paperweight eyes, closed mouth with white space between lips, fully articulated composition and wood body, straight wrists with creamy original finish with fixed balls at hip, one replaced upper arm, antique undergarments and French shoes marked "1".    $ 1,380.
33 13" shoulder head, impressed "147", made in "Germany", sleep eyes, original eyelashes, open mouth, later mohair wig, cloth body, jointed with rivets at hips and knees, tiny chip back shoulder plate.    $ 138.

15" bisque shoulder head, impressed "Germany, Mabel", inset glass eyes, open mouth, synthetic wig, new cloth body with leather arms.

   $ 69.
35 On 2: 13" shoulder head, impressed "Germany 15/0", stationary glass eyes, open mouth, new mohair wig, new cloth body; 13" bisque shoulder head, impressed "Flora Dora AM Made in Germany", stationary glass eyes, mohair wig, replaced pate, new cloth body    $ 138.
36 18" bisque socket head, "square cheeked look", impressed "13", (early Kestner), brown sleep eyes, closed mouth, slight bulge back of neck, early German eight ball jointed body appropriate for early Kestner.    $ 2,645.
37 On 2: 7" china shoulder head, impressed "RG" (Ruth Gibbs doll), with original china limbs and polka dot cloth body, molded painted brown hair, rosebud mouth, painted blue eyes; and 9" Lenci look-alike, papier-mache and cloth head with side glancing brown eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, turquoise organdy dress with felt flower, straw hat, cloth body with rivets at hip joints, black leather shoes    $ 80.50
38 7" Milliner Model, shoulder head with long black curls into neck, good kid body with original paper tape between wooden lower limbs and kid upper limbs, restoration to shoulder head, layers of antique undergarments, replaced dress, breaks in kid on upper legs    $ 161.

17" papier-mache shoulder head, bald head with remnants of antique mohair wig, painted blue eyes and lower lashes, cloth body sawdust stuffed, with original papier-mache limbs, orange boots, antique undergarments, nicely dressed.

   $ 184.

On 2: 17" bisque socket head, impressed "Vernon Seeley 1979", above "536 S", German character child, jointed bisque body, marked "Caroline Gallagher 1980", sailor outfit, nicely dressed; and 17" bisque socket head, impressed "1976 Vernon Seeley", German character child, with glass eyes, good quality reproduction jointed composition body, Victorian outfit, nicely dressed, pierced ears with earrings.

   $ 69.
41 On 2: 15" bisque socket head reproduction Bru, impressed "E 678", jointed bisque body, clothes shredding in back, blue glass eyes; and 11" bisque socket head, impressed "Aster '80", glass eyes, reproduction five-piece jointed composition body, Asian girl dressed in silk pajamas    $ 57.50
42 16" bisque socket head French fashion replica Bru, impressed "S. Antoon 1993" (Shirley), glass eyes, high quality painting, mohair wig, bisque shoulder plate, cloth body with bisque forearms, high quality replica French fashion, one antique French fashion boot.    $ 258.75
43 see below 7" bisque socket head, Shirley Antoon replica Bru, marked "S. Antoon 1990 6/0", paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, earrings, lace chemise.    $ 316.25

7" bisque socket head, impressed "S. Antoon 1995", five-piece all bisque body, mohair wig, well dressed.

   $ 488.75

On 2: Two bisque socket heads, 13" and 12", impressed "Renee McKinney", one impressed "Paris", both marked "1981", both with good quality modern reproduction French style bodies, beautifully dressed, one with antique shoes.

   $ 86.25

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