(not including 15% Buyer's Premium)
25. Democratic Republic of Congo, Nsapo, carved female figure, stomach holds medicine, blue trade beads at neck, medicine horn on top, holes at arms for suspension in a house for health and healing purposes, on a metal base, 13 1/2" h. 100.00
26. Democratic Republic of Congo, Songye, carved female bust, almond-shaped head, hollowed at top for "Bish imba" fetish material, on a small wood base, 17 1/2" h.  
27. Democratic Republic of Congo, Songye, carved fetish figure, snake skin, feathers, fur on top, mounted on a round wood base, old patinated finish, 9 1/2" h. 75.00
28. Ivory Coast, Dan, Deangle, beautiful woven mask, ridge in middle of forehead, slit eyes with white kaolin, aluminum teeth, worn by an intermediary between the village and Forest initiation camp, 9" h 300.00
29. Ivory Coast, Dan/We, carved female dance mask, fiber, hair, wood, blackened finish, ridged forehead, slit eyes, aluminum teeth, delicate features, old patina, 9" h. 150.00
30. Ivory Coast, Dan, carved mask, heavy features, ridged forehead, slit eyes, protruding lips, brown finish, old worn patina, 12" h 225.00
31. Ivory Coast, Dan/We, Kran style mask, "Kaogle", cloth wrapping, enlarged and stylized facial features, dark blackened finish, very old patina, 13" h. 100.00
32. Ivory Coast, Dan, fireman's mask, patrols village in dry season, red cloth covered wood divided by central aluminum strip, slit eyes surrounded with aluminum, darkened eyebrows, remnants of fur, 9 1/2" h. 100.00
33. Ivory Coast, Toma, carved wood face mask, high rounded forehead, slit eyes, hooked nose, high cheekbones, protruding mouth, blackened rubbed finish, 10" h. 100.00
34. Ivory Coast, Senufo, Setien, horn bill figure carried on a pole to celebrate the planting, brass carpet tacks, red and black rubbed finish, 14" h. 125.00
35. Ivory Coast, Senufo, ladle, carved stylized bird's head with human features, scarification on neck (handle), dark finish, 10". 100.00
36. Cameroon, Bamum, carved face/helmet mask, Kom, nobleman's portrait, inflated cheeks, blackened finish, 16" h. 75.00
37. Burkina Faso, Bobo, carved headdress with crest, usually worn by blacksmiths and farmers in initiation ceremonies, carved and painted triangular decoration, 24" h. 100.00
38. Burkina Faso, Bobo, large carved antelope headdress, crested and elongated pointed ears, transforming into a boars snout, white and black pigments, 42" l. 275.00
39. Burkina Faso, Mossi, fertility dolls, with abstract flattened faces, given to newly wedded girls, dark patina, 8" and 9" h. 150.00
40. Burkina Faso, Marka, carved transformation initiation society mask, antelope horns with elongated face, intricate geometric carved scarification, 13 1/2" h. 100.00
41. Democratic Republic of Congo, Kongo Tribe, male nail fetish, (Nkondi) carved sculpture, wood blades and nails, glass, representing an anthropomorphic spirit holding a spear in order to strike a spirit responsible for a curse, 26" h. 425.00

Angola, Tchokwe, Mwena Po, delicate carved face mask.

43. Angola, Tchokwe, face mask with woven netting, Chihongo, scarification on forehead and below eyes, bared carved teeth, old patina, 9 1/2" h. 100.00
44. Angola, Tchokwe, Mwena Po, face mask, carved slit eyes, scarification on forehead and cheeks, and below eyes, 9" h. 125.00
45. Angola, Tchokwe, carved face mask with netting, black with red stain around eyes, copper rings in ears, raised scarification on forehead and cheeks, braided raffia rope on chin, 12" h. 100.00
46. Democratic Republic of Congo, Teke, Butti figure, carved wood, facial scarification identical to Teke men, power material encased in a mantle of clay covering the body wrapped in cloth, serves as a protective or healing function, mounted on a round wood block, 12 1/2" h. 100.00
47. Democratic Republic of Congo, Yaka, fetish figure made with hollowed out belly with inserted glass for viewing, serves as a protective device, mounted on a wood block, 10" h. 100.00
48. Democratic Republic of Congo, Kuba, M'Boom Royal mask, cloth, cowrie shells, trade beads, woven raffia, used during important initiation and funeral ceremonies, 19" l. 150.00
49. Democratic Republic of Congo, Kuba, half Royal figure, carved and pointed headdress, carved necklace with amulet, bracelets, 12" h. 75.00
50. Democratic Republic of Congo, Kuba, female Royal figure, carved crested headdress, neck rings, hands in front, mounted on plexiglass base, 16" h. 175.00
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